
Common Saudi Phrases That You Wished You Had Known Sooner. Part 2

Seham Almubarak Seham Almubarak November 17, 2020

In this part, we will take you to learn new different phrases that mostly used in daily conversation.

WanneA’am (m,f) والنعم!
WanneA’am feek(m,f) والنعم فيك! Ma A’alaek zood(m,f) ماعليك زود
Have you ever heard someone say to you “WanneA’am” when you told him your name?! we suspect many have heard it because it is so popular.
The word “WanneA’am” is used as a method of praise for a person, it means that a person gives you as an indication that you are competent. For example, when someone asks you for your name, and you say my name is Muhammad, he will say to you “WanneA’am!”.
The response could be in two ways, and both of them are common:
1- You could say “WanneA’am feek” – meaning and you are also competent.
2- or You could say “Ma A’alaek zood” – which means metaphorically no one is better than you! It is a method of showing humility on your part where he praised you first when he said to you “WanneA’am”.

Akramk Allah (m,f) أكرمك الله / Akramkum Allah (p). أكرمكم الله SeHah! صحة
Saudi people are so generous, and it might be rare that no one has invited you for a meal or coffee! At home, in a restaurant, or even at the business office. Well, have you thought about how to thank the person who invited you using a word different than “shukran”?
We often say in this situation when we finish eating a meal or coffee: “Akramk Allah” for the male and female, and (Akramkum Allah) for more than two people. This phrase means “May Allah honors you, blesses you, and gives you a lot!”
The simple response is to say “SeHah” or “Afyah” or “SeHah wa A’fyah”, both of them have the same meaning, which is “I wish you health and wellness with what you ate and drank!”

Kafou(m,f) كفو
We often say to someone who is doing well: excellent, good, well done, bravo! In Saudi, we often say “Kafou”, which means being encouraged and admired for what a person has done. It means: “You are worthy of that, capable of it, and qualified enough to achieve it”.
For example, when your son wins on the soccer team, you could say to him: “Kafou!”
When your coworker accomplishes a difficult task, you could say to him: “Kafou!”

Wesh men Jedeed? – La Shai!
In communicating with others, perhaps the best way to get into a conversation with someone is to say “Wesh men Jedeed?” which means what’s new?
we often use it to give the person an open space to talk about his/her latest news at work or at home, or to talk about their goals, plans, and what happened to them in the recent past days.
And if the person has no new news, he/she will say “La Shai!”.

Qeddam! قدّام
If you receive an offer from a friend for a new adventure, to travel, to go to the cinema, or to do anything that you are ready and excited about, do not hesitate to say “Qeddam!”. It means that you are ready to go. It is like “Go ahead” in English.
We hope you enjoy reading this part! Do not forget to share it with your friends 🙂

Seham Almubarak
AboutSeham Almubarak